Mothering and Mentoring
Develop parenting and lifes skills
Our multi-award winning program supports pregnant girls and young mothers in a safe, non-judgemental environment with individual support plans developed by trained case managers.
Each girl will be given the opportunity to develop lifeskills, parenting, self-worth, healthy relationships, pre & post birth plans and physical & emotional well-being.
All girls are given the opportunity to develop their mothering skills through access to a variety of experts involved in maternity services, breastfeeding, child health and Child & Youth Mental Health Services (C.Y.M.H.S) and a General Practitioner.
All participants have access to STEMM’s Adjunct Care facility, enabling them to bring their young children from birth to 4 years of age to school with them. Adjunct care is located in the same building allowing the young mothers to access their child through out the day.
STEMM has a bus that can pick up and drop off participants and their child/children to and from the program.
We are also fortunate enough to have the services of a Centrelink Representative and a Financial Advisor attend STEMM on a weekly basis to help our participants with financial enquiries and advice.
We have a Social Worker and Counsellor in attendance daily to provide support to our participants as needed.